
Connection with connectionString

let pgdb = await PgDb.connect({connectionString:'postgres://username@hostname/database', logger:console});

where username/hostname/database are all optional. It could be provided through environment variables (EXPORT).

Connection with Options Object

let pgdb = await PgDb.connect({
        host: 'localhost',
        user: 'localuser',
        database: 'localdatabase',
        password: 'localpassword', 
        port: 5432, 
        max: 10,

With the following options:

export interface ConnectionOptions {
    //--- node-postgres specific ----------------------
    user?:string;              //can be specified through PGUSER     env variable (defaults USER env var)
    database?:string;          //can be specified through PGDATABASE env variable (defaults USER env var)
    password?:string;          //can be specified through PGPASSWORD env variable
    port?:number;              //can be specified through PGPORT     env variable
    connectionString?:string;  //'postgres://username:password@hostname/database'

    poolSize?:number;            //number of connections to use in connection pool. 0 - disable pooling
    min?:number;                 //minimum number of resources to keep in pool at any given time.  
    reapIntervalMillis?:number;  //frequency to check for idle clients within the client pool
    poolLog?:boolean;            //pool log function / boolean
    idleTimeoutMillis?:number;   // how long a client is allowed to remain idle before being closed

    rows?:number;                //number of rows to return at a time from a prepared statement's portal. 0 will return all rows at once
    ssl?:boolean| any;           // TlsOptions;

    //--- pogi specific ----------------------------
    skipUndefined?: 'all' | 'select' | 'none'; //if there is a undefined value in the query condition, what should pogi do. Default is 'none', meaning raise an error if a value is undefined.

About node-postgres specific, more explanation can be found at and


while most settings are self explanatory, this parameter is important. In the first version of pogi we ignored the condition if the value was undefined (null was not ignored) in order for ease the use e.g.:

    let query = {
        powerfull: params.powerfull,
        wise: params.wise
    await pgdb.users.find(query);

would return a result if e.g. the form.wise would be undefined. While this is comfortable in many situation, it can cause critical issues e.g. for update

   await pgdb.users.update({}, {password});

would update all users password, in case of the id is undefined. (Although this can be mitigated with the updateOne function as well.) Still the best if no undefined value is allowed in the conditions. Nevertheless to keep the compatibility, this parameter added, and skipUndefined can be set to all if needed. select would allow undefined values for selects/count only but would be strict for update/deletes. none is the new default value, meaning undefined value considered as programming error and will throw an exception. This setting can be specified on query level as well.

Static singleton

If there is no reference kept to the object there is a static function to get the same object everywhere, (so no need to keep recreating and set up every time). At the moment doesnt handle env variables beside password.

    let pgdb = await PgDb.getInstance({connectionString:'postgres://username@hostname/database', logger:console});